Why We Love Eating Outside…and You Should Too

Chances are you’re eating most of your meals at home these days. For most of us, this translates to a lot of time spent sitting at the kitchen or dining room table. 

But, with spring finally sprung, it’s time to take your meals al fresco. The health benefits of being outdoors are well-documented, and not surprisingly, these benefits extend to dining outdoors as well. 

Better mood, better food — Being indoors for most of the day is linked to higher rates of anxiety and depression. When we’re stressed, we don’t pay as much attention to what we’re eating. Therefore, we tend not to enjoy what we’re eating as much. But because being outdoors is a natural mood booster, you’re far more likely to enjoy the experience of eating, and therefore more likely to notice the taste of your food. By moving meals outdoors, eating is not merely a means to an end, but an experience to be savored. 

Décor by Mother Nature — Regardless of how well-appointed your kitchen or dining room may be, nothing beats Mother Nature’s ambiance and great views. Dining under the warm sun, or enjoying your evening meal while gazing at the sunset or a starry sky is a game-changer for contemplation, conversation, and relaxation.

All hands-on deck — When cooking and eating outside, the cooking and prep is part of the fun instead of a chore that keeps you holed up alone in the kitchen. The whole family can keep the cook company as he or she mans (or womans) the grill, and you’re all likely to linger far longer once the meal is done. 

Keep it cool — As temperatures rise, no one wants to be stuck in the kitchen slaving over a hot over or stove. Not only will cooking and eating outside help keep your kitchen cool, outdoor cooking and eating means less indoor cleanup. And, grilling tends to be quicker to boot. 

A simple staycation — There’s something about cooking and eating outdoors that makes any meal feel like a vacation. Even breakfast feels better under the sun. And for restless kids, every meal out means a little extra time outside to run around and burn off some energy. 

Safety first — As we all ease back into larger gatherings of family and friends, all agree that eating outdoors is the safest bet. With fresh air, and space to move around, what’s not to love about eating out at home?