Does the sight of spatulas, chef’s knives and graters cause your fear, anxiety and doubt? You’re not alone. Whether you have zero experience cooking, or you’ve cooked in the past, but the past was a long, long time ago, cooking …
Category: Kitchen

Don’t Fear Your Freezer: The Top Five Organization Tips to Make Your Freezer Your Friend
If you’ve ever opened your freezer to a blizzard of unidentifiable containers and bags, or spent time looking for that last bowl of chili you know you saved…but now cannot find, it’s time to tidy up your freezer. Opening a …

Five Knives Chefs Can’t Live Without
A pen (metaphorically speaking) is to a writer, as a knife is to a chef. Neither can do their job without one. There’s a reason chefs invest in their own set of knives, which they bring with them to every …

3 Easy Ways to Clean Cast Iron
Cast iron has a bad rap for being difficult to clean, but contrary to popular belief, it may just be the easiest of your pans to clean.

Five Myths About Cooking with Cast Iron Debunked!
Chefs will be the first to tell you that when it comes to searing certain cuts of meat and seafood, there’s nothing better than cast iron. For home cooks, however, cast iron’s reputation for being high maintenance and difficult to …

Fire Up the Grill: How to Properly Use Your Charcoal BBQ
Cooking food over an open fire takes time and effort, but your reward is a more authentic grilled flavor that no stove or gas grill can match. High heat brings out intense, smoky flavors that make grilling with charcoal especially …